One of our beautiful athletes has snapped this image for us.
Her first week with us as we teach her to eat again, start to heal her body after years of diet trauma (yes, it is a thing) and most importantly empower her to enjoy food again.
This is what our version of weight loss looks like. No eating below RMR, all foods welcomed and focused around many more important goals other than a number on a scale. Think energy levels, mood, motivation to train, sleep quality, confidence.
Do we start with programs? Often, yes – but designed specific only to them and their food preferences. Why a program? Because for many it provides a sense of confidence and reassurance while we start to educate them about food. As you learn more, our programs change – they become more flexible, with more independence.
We have built an online nutrition support that links the Dietitian to the client with no appointments and reacts and adapts WITH our athlete.
We don’t want our clients to be on a program forever or even need us forever (although we love continually checking in on all their achievements!).
Instead we want them to know what we do and be confident in finding that food, life balance unique only to them
Bring on this launch date so we can finally show you what is ahead ❤️
📷 @bincross 😍
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