I often hear that kids can eat as much junk as the want as long as they are active- they will just burn all those calories. 🧐 hmmm it doesn’t work like that. Today, nearly 1 out of 4 children in developed countries are overweight or obese. Those extra kilos put the kids at risk for developing serious health problems. Childhood obesity also takes an emotional toll. Overweight children often have trouble keeping up with other kids and joining in sports and activities. Calories are calories. Kids need to eat good food…. just as us. Unprocessed food, various of veggies, rye, oats, lean meat/fish, drink water. Unhealthy is okey but keep it in moderation- just as a grown up. Skip those cereals that are high in sugar( it is easy that they eat two portion or more), don’t drink the calories, and skip all those fried things #food #kids #healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyliving #foodforkids #foodforkidshealth #kidshealth #kidshealthylunch #obesity #overweight #calories
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